
這一年來總共發表了六篇文章 一篇奈米快報

1. C. H. Chang* and T. M. Hong, “Spin-glass-like behavior caused by Mn-riched Mn(Ga)As nanoclusters in GaAs”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 93, 212106(2008). Select in Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science and Technology.
2. C. H. Chang* and T. M. Hong, “Interlayer coupling enhanced by the interface roughness”, Phys. Rev. B 79, 054415 (2009).
3. C. H. Chang*, S. M. Wang, and T. M. Hong , “Origin of branch points in the spectrum of PT-symmetric periodic potentials”, Phys. Rev. A 80, 042105(2009).
4. C. H. Chang*, J. H. Hsiao, and T. M. Hong , “Optical Doppler effect in a medium”, Chin. J. Phys. 47,421(2009).
5. C. H. Chang* and T. M. Hong , “Oscillation for the indirect coupling between magnetic clusters”, Chin. J. Phys.(accepted, 2009).
6. 洪在明和張景皓, 狹義相對論的時間延遲, 1卷3期(2009).

一年要比一年好 囧

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